Project SOLCYP + (ANFR-FEM): Sollicitations Cyliques des Monopieux d'Eoliennes Offshore (Cyclic loading of monopiles)
Contacts: Matthieu Blanc, Luc Thorel
Offshore windturbine may be settled on foundations up to 50 m deep. Several types of foundations exist. The main ones are the monopile foundation, and the jacket foundation. Such structure exist since 2001 in North Europe and several farms are forecast on the French coastline.
Project SURFFEOL (Région PdL): Surveillance des Fondations d'Eoliennes Offshore (Offshore windturbone foundations monitoring)
Contacts: Xavier Chapeleau, Sylvain Chataigner, Laurent Gaillet
Project FONDEOL2 (Region PdL): Développement des fondations de type "jackets"(Jacket foundation development)
Contacts: Xavier Chapeleau, Laurent Gaillet, Luc Thorel
Project SOLCYP + (ANFR-FEM): Sollicitations Cyliques des Monopieux d'Eoliennes Offshore (Cyclic loading of monopiles)
Contacts: Matthieu Blanc, Luc Thorel
Project SHM OWT Grout (Weamec): Structural Health Monitoring of Offshore Wind Turbine Grouted Connection
Contacts: Xavier Chapeleau, Sylvain Chataigner, Laurent Gaillet
Project DYNA (Weamec): Dynamic analysis of an offshore wind turbine taking into account the soil foundation-structure interaction
Contacts: Matthieu Blanc, Luc Thorel