M. Loiseau, S. Chataigner, R. Creac’hcadec, E. Lepretre, M.O. Quemere, J.P. Court, Nonlinear creep behaviour of adhesively bonded fastener in tension – application of an inverse identification method of creep parameters independent of the fastener geometry, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 01694243, 2023.
J.W. Ringsberg, L. Dieng, Z. Li, I. Hagman, Characterization of the mechanical properties of low stiffness marine power cables through tension, bending, torsion and fatigue testing, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol.11, 1791, 2023.
M. Loiseau, S. Chataigner, R. Creac’hcadec, Q. Sourisseau, M.O. Quemere, J.P. Court, F. Sayed Ahmad, Inverse identification method of adhesive creep properties from real scale investigations on bonded fastener, The Journal of Adhesion, 98(6), 2022.
Q. Sourisseau, E. Lepretre, S. Chataigner, X. Chapeleau, L. Mouton, S. Paboeuf, Use of high spatial resolution optical fibre to monitor crack propagation of an adhesively bonded joint during ENF and DCB tests, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 115, 2022.
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El Haffar I., Blanc M., Thorel L. 2020 Impact of pile roughness on the shaft resistance in sand. Int. J.Geotechnical Engineering (published online 15th april 2019). Geotechnical Engineering (Proc. ICE) 173(1): 81–91.
E. Djeumen, S. Chataigner, R. Creac’hcadec, Q. Sourisseau, M.O. Quemere, J.P. Court, F. Sayed, Creep investigations on adhesively bonded fasteners developed for offshore steel structures, Marine Structures, Vol.69, 2020.
A. Rolland, P. Argoul, K. Benzarti, M. Quiertant, S. Chataigner, A. Khadour, Analytical and numerical modeling of bond behavior between FRP reinforcing bars and concrete, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 231, article 117160, 2020.
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Avant 2017
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